Publication Ethics

Our publication ethics guidelines align with the COPE Principles of Transparency, Best Practice Guidelines, and the COPE Code of Conduct. Further information is available at

We promote and uphold the highest standards of publication ethics, taking robust measures to prevent publication malpractices. As a responsible publisher, the Editorial Board of this Journal is deeply committed to overseeing all stages of publishing. We acknowledge our ethical duties and responsibilities.


Duties and Responsibilities of Editors and Publisher:

 The International Journal of Law in Changing World – IJLCW is an institution-independent journal. The Journal is the publisher, and the editors produce all the Journal. Editors undertake a range of responsibilities to enhance the Journal's quality and integrity, address author and reader needs, encourage academic discourse, and more. In line with best practices, editors commit to the following responsibilities:

  1.   Editorial Board: The editorial board comprises recognized experts in the field, with full names, affiliations, and updated contact information provided on the Journal's webpage.
  2.   Publication Decisions: Editors are responsible for determining which submitted articles should be published, guided by the work's validation, significance to researchers and readers, and adherence to the Journal's policies and legal requirements.
  3.   Peer Review Process: All journal content undergoes a double-blind peer review. Articles deemed suitable for review are evaluated by experts in the respective field. Referees' comments guide publication decisions.
  4.   Fair Play:Manuscripts are evaluated based on intellectual content, free from biases related to race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, or political beliefs. Accepting or rejecting a paper is based on importance, originality, clarity, and relevance to the Journal's aim.
  5.   Digital Archiving: Editors ensure the digital preservation of journal content on the website, enabling continued access for all. If, by any chance, the Journal is discontinued, it will remain accessible at HeinOnline (
  6.   Confidentiality: Editors and editorial staff maintain strict confidentiality concerning submitted manuscripts, disclosing information only to authorized individuals.
  7.   Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Editors ethically handle unpublished materials from submitted manuscripts, refraining from using such information for personal gain. Conflicts of interest are conducted transparently and appropriately.
  8.   Procedures for Dealing with Unethical Behavior: Editors promptly and diligently address unethical behavior, following prescribed measures based on the severity of the misconduct.


Duties and Responsibilities of Authors:

 Authors are expected to adhere to high standards of ethical conduct throughout the publication process, including:

  1.   Publication and Submission Fee: No manuscript processing, submission, or publication fees exist.
  2.   Open Access Policy: The Journal embraces an open-access policy, allowing users to access, redistribute, and build upon the material with proper credit.
  3.   Reporting Standards: Authors present accurate work accounts and objectively discuss their significance. The use of accurate data and appropriate references is essential.
  4.   Data Access and Retention: Authors may need raw data for editorial review and should be prepared to grant public access to such data. Retention of data for a reasonable period post-publication is expected.
  5.   Originality and Plagiarism: Authors must ensure their work is original and properly cited. Plagiarism in any form is considered unethical and unacceptable. We advise authors to check their work plagiarism rate before submitting to tools such as Grammarly (
  6.   Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publications: Authors should not publish essentially the same research in more than one Journal concurrently. Proper citation of the primary reference is necessary for secondary publications.
  7.   Acknowledgment of Sources: Acknowledgment of others' work is crucial. Authors must cite relevant publications that have influenced their work.
  8.   Authorship of the Paper: Authorship should be limited to those who significantly contributed to the study. All appropriate co-authors should approve the final version and agree to its submission for publication.
  9.   Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Authors must disclose any financial or substantive conflicts that could influence the manuscript's results or interpretation.
  10. Fundamental Errors in Published Works: Authors must promptly notify the editor of significant errors or inaccuracies in their published work, cooperating to retract or correct the paper.
  11. Paper sharing: Authors can share their research on all available networks and repositories (e.g.,

Duties and Responsibilities of Reviewers:

Reviewers play a vital role in maintaining the Journal's integrity by providing valuable assessments of submitted manuscripts. Critical responsibilities of reviewers include:

  1.   Contribution to Editorial Decisions: Peer review supports editorial decisions, aiding authors in improving their papers.
  2.   Promptness: Reviewers must promptly inform the editor if they cannot review a manuscript within the stipulated timeframe.
  3.   Confidentiality: Reviewers must maintain confidentiality regarding manuscripts and not share them without authorization.
  4.   Standards of Objectivity: Reviews should be conducted objectively, avoiding personal criticism and presenting clear views supported by arguments.
  5.   Acknowledgment of Sources: Reviewers should identify relevant unpublished work and inform the editor of any substantial similarities between the manuscript and other published papers.
  6.   Disclosure and Conflict of Interest: Reviewers must keep privileged information confidential and refrain from using it for personal gain. Conflicts of interest must be disclosed and managed appropriately.

 Complaints and Appeals:

 All complaints from authors and third parties must be addressed to the editors at Authors can appeal from an editorial decision through the submission system or email. 

We remain committed to upholding these ethical standards, ensuring the integrity and credibility of our publication process.