impact of the pandemic, Common Agricultural Policy, special measures in Hungarian agricultural law, public law, agricultural law, court proceedings, 疫情对共同农业政策的影响, 匈牙利农业法中的特别措施, 疫情对公法的影响, 疫情与法院诉讼程序, procedimiento judicial, derecho público, derecho agrícola húngaro,, medidas especiales, política agrícola común, impacto de la pandemiaAbstract
After the end of the COVID 19 outbreak, the authors summarise the measures taken by the European Union to ensure the continuity of food supply and the functioning of the food chain during the outbreak. In addition to the EU measures, the specific measures followed by the Member States and their room for manoeuvre are presented using the Hungarian example.
Tras el fin del brote de COVID 19, los autores resumen las medidas adoptadas por la Unión Europea para garantizar la continuidad del suministro de alimentos y el funcionamiento de la cadena alimentaria durante el brote. Además de las medidas de la UE, se presentan las medidas específicas seguidas por los Estados miembros y su margen de maniobra utilizando el ejemplo húngaro. En este artículo también hemos intentado elaborar las implicaciones para la Política Agrícola Europea y, en consecuencia, para la Agricultura Europea. La literatura que hemos elaborado también cubre los procesos del mercado agrícola y las implicaciones para las áreas rurales. Sin embargo, este artículo se centra en las implicaciones de la legislación en el derecho público húngaro y en las cuestiones prácticas de su aplicación de la sentencia húngara. Nuestro artículo también analiza el vínculo entre la sequía extrema del año 2022 y la pandemia. Analizaremos por qué los extraordinarios instrumentos legales utilizados bajo el COVID '19 fueron apropiados para hacer frente a las consecuencias del clima extremo.
on the provision of additional resources to address the economic problems caused by the pandemic of the coronavirus in the agricultural sector in the framework of the Action Plan for Economic Protection.
AM Decree No. 20/2020 (VI.19.) on the general conditions for granting temporary support to agricultural enterprises and food processing undertakings in difficult economic circumstances due to the coronavirus epidemic Section 2 (1) (3)
AM Decree No. 14/2020 (IV.10.) on the granting of full small amount support to the Agricultural Széchenyi Card Construction within the framework of the Action Plan for Economic Protection.
Government Decree No 123/2020 (IV. 16.) on the fulfilment of the obligation to pay water resource charges during an emergency.
Order of the National Police Chief of 20 May 2020.
Act LVIII of 2020 on transitional rules and epidemic preparedness related to the end of an emergency, Section 169.
Csirszki, M (2020): Overview of COVID measures in European Agriculture- Hungary CEDR Journal 2020/1 32-34p.
Fundamental Law: Article 48.
Fundamental Law: Article 53 (2).
Commission Notice on the notion of State aid as referred to in Article 107(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (2016/C 262/01)
Article 107(3)(b) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
Communication from the Commission 2020/C 91 I/01, 1.3.11.
Act CVII of 2020 on transitional measures to stabilise the situation of certain priority social groups and enterprises in financial difficulty.
Decree No 20/2020 (VI.19.) on the general conditions for granting temporary aid to agricultural holdings and food processing undertakings in difficulty as a result of the coronavirus epidemic.
Act XVII of 2007 on certain procedural issues related to agricultural, rural development, fisheries aid and other measures.
Act XXXVII of 2009 on Forests, Forest Protection and Forest Management.
Barna, Ferenc (2022) : Az aszály komoly megpróbáltatás a mezőgazdaságból élőknek [Drought is a serious challenge for people living from agriculture], Agricultural sector October 7, 2022 In: (accessed August 12, 2023)
Government Decision No. 1447/2022 (IX.19.) on the increased level of interest rate subsidies for the costs of the Agricultural Széchenyi Card Overdraft Facility for farmers affected by drought.
Government Decision No. 1385/2022 (VIII.8.) on aid for the increased costs of transporting feed due to the feed supply crisis caused by drought.
Government Decree No. 45/2020 (III.14.) on measures to be taken in the event of an emergency situation ordered in order to prevent a human epidemic causing mass disease threatening the safety of life and property, and to avert the consequences thereof, and to protect the health and life of Hungarian citizens, Section 1.
OBHE Decision No. 35SZ/2020 (III.15.) point 4.
Government Decree No. 74/2020 (III.31.) on certain procedural measures during an emergency, Section 21 (2)-(4).
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